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South Korean Flag!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines-Thanks for All You 4th Nephites :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Valentines Day!
So…you ever have one of those moments when you receive a special gift from someone, one that makes you super happy, and they didn’t leave their name? I had one.
Just last night.
I had come home from bowling with some friends about 10:00 to my relatively quiet apartment. My roommate, Jen, was sitting peacefully on her bed, probably working on more summaries. (She’s got 20 to do, one for each of the books/articles she’s reading for her 20 page paper. Yeah, she’s that awesome.)
As I’m putting my things away, I’m chatting about the events of the evening and my conversation with Elizabeth, who has the most awkward moments happen in her life- I don’t even know how it happens, but she leaves me laughing so hard tears are coming out. The strangest things…
Anyhow, I notice a cute little valentine on my bed with chocolate attached. I pounce. There’s no escaping. I’m so excited to eat this piece of chocolate-until I notice there’s only my name on it. I turned it over and over a few times, searching for the name of my benefactor, to no avail.
Who would do such a thing, then wish to remain anonymous?

Immediately, Jen is pelted with a million questions at once. I knew she’d been in our apartment and must have seen the intruder. She shrugged, and denied knowing about any part of the event. Then I noticed the handwriting-it had to be a girl’s. For the life of me I couldn’t recall the
different writing styles of my roommates, and threw myself into a fit trying to question the unforgiving Jen. I dragged the unsuspecting (and now I know innocent) Nicole into our room.

“Nicole," I said. "You know Jen better than anyone here. You can tell me if she’s lying.” Nicole looked just as lost as a random pedestrian asked if they would take the wheel of a Monster Truck. I felt I was getting nowhere until Jen threw her hands into the air. “I plead the 5th!” she said vehemently.
Then I had an idea.
I released Nicole to escape back to her getting-ready-for-bed activites, and settled down long enough to read a chapter of “Fishers of Men,” being the voice of chapter 1 for Jen and myself. This book is awesome, and we're only on chapter 2. I highly reccomend reading together at night also-there's nothing quite like having someone read to you or getting to read to them. You learn to say really big or confusing words faster. :)
The fires inside me were no longer bon-worthy, but the subdued embers were still piping hot. Finally, as we were commenting on the chapter and climbing under our covers for the night, I threw out my last line:
“Anyway, Jen, thanks for the Valentine.”
I listened, ears pricked for her response. When I heard an affirmative answer (something like a mumble), my soul was ecstatic. I’d done it. Confirmed!

Sherlock Haley strikes again.


  1. Oh look at you miss sneaky investigator pants! Hahaha I LOVE your writing, I've missed it so much! You make me laugh! I love how you write and describe things!

  2. I just wanted to add this, though it is terribly revealing about my sluthing abilities this go-round.
    Jen wasn't the chocolate giver...

    It was actually Nicole. *_*


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