South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Healthy Confession

Someone once told me that laughter is good for the soul. I've been reading back on many
of my journal entries and blog posts and I have to say, I've confirmed that.
Good for the soul, the cheekbones, the eyes, the people around you as you laugh
heartily to yourself, and good for the life.
Firstly, thank you again miss Sierra, for getting me writing again. Secondly, thanks to
miss Elizabeth for commenting on my lack of blog posts. I've really missed it :)

I have to tell you, my family's the same, just two years older since I last wrote. We only have one new addition.
still finds ways to secretly clean something and surprise me with it,
still has a list of things for us to do and play when I get home,
continues to grace the world with his exciting stories and and even bigger heart,
the manliest man in our family because he has to be (all of these females MUST
be stopped ;)
still gets up in the earlier hours of the morning to make everyone waffles, (and
fajitas, and chicken salad-he's going to make his future wife pass out someday)
She's our cousin from Las Vegas, spunky and on top of the word! If you know the Color Code, she's an orange. :)
is still growing like a weed and teaching me tons by just being Trey,
my Tanner, a teenager in his own right and constantly helping the person he sees needs it.
I'm so proud of him.
has turned into an even more proficient chef, making me look great when I make
her recopies for my roommates ;) I'm amazed at how she looks after each girl
her age-she really reaches out to make a new friend.
continues in his comidianship of the family, now holding the Priesthood, only
increasing the bright glimmer of cheekiness in his eyes,
My parents are constant foundations to me. I wonder where they get all of that
wisdom? :)

OH! How could I forget!
is still Safara (our local Keeshond), but she's taken to a new look. We call it
"The Skunk".
all around her body, including her curly tail, she's inspired not to go
wandering outside into the road or visiting neighbor cows. I'm still not quite
sure why, but Dad left one stripe, just down her back, of long, grey fur.
"The Skunk."

My happiest wishes be with you. It’s great to be back. :)

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