South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Nan Hana Nim Wee Jah Nyuh

I found out I pronounced it wrong.
It's actually "Teah-jeon"

But anyway you say it, it means Missionary to me. :)

I've been called to serve the people of the Deajeon, South Korean area, and I'm reporting to the Missionary Training Center June 27th. You guys, I am beyond happy, and beyond excited!

No one but the Lord could have told me I was going to Korea. By all that I love, my impressions were telling me Stateside. California would be an adventure, Washington-beautiful, and why not Florida? Even a church history mission in DC ran through my mind. For two months before my call came, I thought I knew I was going stateside.

I guess the Lord really knows how to surprise us :)

But I've noticed there's something different about the thoughts and motivation you have before you get your call, and after.

I was excited before, telling everyone I knew about the status, recieving praise and hearing about other missionaries/experiences from various missions, including guesses for my own. My brother now had his call, and I bragged about him. I had an awesome feeling about serving, but I still had slight questions in my mind for if another path was placed near my feet.
I asked close friends what they thought about some of the questions I was facing as well as prayed about them. I couldn't forget the distinct impressions I'd had about serving as much as two years ago. Nor could I deny that I'd been given a specific opportunity to serve at this time. Still, there persisted some doubts.

The drive to the post office last Wednesday night-The atmosphere for me was both excited and peaceful. After picking up the call, pulling into the driveway, I had to express immense gratitude that I felt for my parents. I knew that it was because of their examples, testimonies, and teaching me that I was now able to pick up a mission call. It was a sweet moment.

"Just Dance II" was playing as we opened the door, and I laughed again (they ALWAYS make me laugh) when I saw all of the bodies moving fixing random poses in time to the music. A couple of good friends were there (including my new roomate at Snow, Jen :) and all of my family, including my maternal grandparents.

I showed them the call, and they cheered! Then we played more "Just Dance II" and everyone got to initial their 5 guesses out of all the possible LDS missions. Joseph spoke in Tagolag for us, and Elizabeth and Jen put the kids through thier paces dancing. Finally, everyone was finished guessing, and it was time to open the call. (Gosh, my heart statrts beating thinking about even now just typing about it!)
One of my parents let me borrow their army knife (for faster slittage), and the room went silent.
My heart felt as though it was beating out of my chest. My face felt very warm as I slide the knife across the envelope.
I fumbled with the first document-the missionary packet, murmering about how I couldn't see the call letter. I was new to this, and I didn't want to accidentally see the letter before I read it. Finding it, I put the words to my chest, holding it with both arms for just a moment.

Breathe, Haley.
It's gonna be alright.

"Dear Sister Brooksby,"
I read aloud, already feeling my throat constrict.
"You have been called to serve as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ, (here I began to choke up) of Latter-day Saints in the Korea, Deajeon Mission."
A great burst of happiness swelled up inside of me. My hand flew to my mouth and I rocked forward, holding my call. The noise in the room was electrifying-I heard a sob from my friend. "Korea..." I thought, "Korea!!"
I hugged my mom, explaining I was going to Korea! She nodded and smiled. Sabrina, Grandma King, everyone. I looked at them and all they could do was shake their heads. The bubble inside me was bursting.

If I was happy before my mission call came, through the roof wouldn't even describe how I felt after. That night and each day after, I would think about the people in Deajeon.
I imagined meeting them, speaking with them, serving them. I pictured sharing with them that they are children of God, who has a plan for them. Every time I thought of a Gospel principle, I imagined sharing it with them. Families there, who are waiting, and I get to meet them. I get to teach them about Jesus Christ, who loved them enough to die for them. I get to tell them how much He loves them and wants them to come back to Him. I get to tell them how there is a plan for their life, that their prayers are important to Him, how their family can be sealed together for eternity.
The love that I feel for them is already here, and it amazes me. How can I love someone so much that I haven't even met? This must be a tiny bit of how much the Savior and Heavenly Father love them.

The title of this post is "Nan hana nim wee jah nyuh," or "I am a Child of God" in romanized Hangul. A friend once told me that once her missionary brother was able to teach about, and help them feel the Spirit about, how the Japanese were also literal spirit children of God and that He loves them, they accepted every aspect of the Gospel and were baptized. I'm not sure if the people of Korea will be the same, but I do know that this is one of the most important, if not the most important, principles I will get to teach. Knowing that for me has helped me over some hills in my own life. how will it be to tell someone who has never had that knowlege, they are a literal child of God? That there is a God, and that He loves and cares about them!

While I knew there will be some of the lowest lows, I also know this is going to be one of the most joyful expereinces of my life. What an awesome opportunity...

Go Missionaries!
PS For all you future missionaries or those considering a mission- pray about it and if you feel good- Go! It will be one of the best decisions of your life. It's already been one for mine :)


  1. Oh my gosh, you killed me with this baby picture! Oh my goodness! You are going to be so amazing and I can't wait for you (well I can cause I'm selfish and want you around longer, haha)! You're gonna change lives girlie and be an amazing instrument in his hands!

  2. Ya know, there's something about her that's a lot like a superhero...


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