South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, October 14, 2013

August 19 Letter

Hi Everyone!
So I took a lot of my time writing to our awesome President Shin about an experience this week, and I wanted to post it here (It's in Korean but Google Translate might work..maybe... :) I'll give you the breif translation too! Anyone who can read Korean, I'm sorry about my spelling ;)
신 회장님,

구도자 많이 없어서 찾기 하고 있고 우리 (서광주 조느 포거스 때로) 회원들 도 친하게 일 하고 있어요. 듀스 자매님이 우리 회원과 저활동을 위해 카드 음정 많이 만들고 있어요! 재미있어요-그리고 우리 만날 수 없는 저활동을 위해 간증 도 쓰고 문 앞에 뿌치고 있어요. 그래서 저희 직접 방문할 수 없었지만 그분은 우리와 하나님의 사랑에 대해 기억해요 :)

이번주 우리 이웃과 (예호화 주인) 처음 인사했고 우리 종교와 몰몬경 소개 하기위해서 이 경전 구절 같이 읽었어요: 니파이 후서 25:26. 그분 (성경만 맏고 있데) 읽은 후에 "아 성경이랑 비씃해"다고 하셨고 제 몰몬경에 대한 간증 들었어요. 그 때 우리 성신을 진짜 느낄 수 있었어요. 하지만, 제 간증 듣은 후 그분 다시 "성경만 믿겠"다고 하셨어요.
그분 너무 착해요! 지금 제 마음이 실프지만 다른 받알 수 있는 기회 있겠다는 것 알아요. 하나님 우리 각각 사랑하셔서, 그렇게 압니다. :)

이복음이 하나님과 예수님 우리를 위해 주는 선물이에요. 나누는 기회 있어서 행복합니다!
다시 감사하고 사랑해요!
브룩스비 자매 선교사
And apparently I just found out (beacuse I'm back down south with most of the sisters from my dongi (MTC roomates!) that my MTC companion's blog got on the LDS news. She's famous, because her letters home are awesome. :) Haha so everyone check out Sister Anna Roueche's blog. Maybe google it? I think it's an everyone-can-acess-thing.
How are you all? Okay I thought it was cool that we're moving but I had NO IDEA that you'd be moving fast enough to move without me! If I can't lift heavy stuff with you guys how am I going to stay in shape? No but, I really thought you'd move next year in January or something so I could help. Well, I guess it happened to Mom on her mission too, right? So it's cool. Just know I'm with you lifting in spirit!!!
This week we were on the search for more people to share the Gospel with. We ended up needed to drop one of our two current ones because of unforseen and couldn't-be-helped circumstances. And we haven't met our other one in a week and a half because she doesn't have a cell phone and we don't know where she lives.
But we're totally on board with the member missionary work! Here in Naju we have a beautiful building (they call it a temple! It really looks like one!) but only 60 active members, (we're a branch). Our Stake President has visited and shared the fire of the goal which our President Shin shared with him (2,000 active members in every stake by 2016 (right now there are 600) and then the next week we had a meeting with all of the members who could come and all of the missionaries serving in the stake (where we all got pumped to do missionary work and sang "Called to Serve" to our members-all 40-60 of us :). And now this Friday we're having a "Premote to Ward Night" with all of our members and missionaries to talk about what we're going to do to build our members here!
So we're getting creative and trying to be closer with our members so that we can be right with them on the front when the referrals start coming. Stake President Oh's vision is to have all of the missionaries just sitting in the church teaching all day. No time for meals. Hahah I LOVE it! We would love nothing better :) And if everyone in our branch referred a friend, we'd be at 140 easy.
We're also searching in other ways-this week we took sometime to make cards for each of our next door neighbors (we have 5) and go say hi! I had an experience (the one I told President Shin about) with the one directly next to us-a sweet grandmother who is a Jehovah's Witness. We talked for a little bit and got to know her and her family (They live with their daughter and her family in one house-it's awesome and a lot for one apartment but Koreans are cool like that!) and introduce who we were and what we did.
She said she believed only in the Bible, but I ended up asking if I could  share with her a verse from the Book or Mormon: She said "alright." 2 Nephi 25:26 "We talk of Christ...." And she said "Wow, this is similar to the Bible." I bore my personal testimony of the witness I received that the Book of Mormon was true, and how it'd blessed my life. We felt the Spirit there strongly, and I asked her "If you knew this book was also God's word, that it was true, would you accept it?" We looked at her, holding the Book of Mormon. She just looked at us and said simply "No. I believe only in the Bible."
We were hit by a wall. Sister Deus said later that she didn't know everything that was going on, but when she heard our neighbor respond in the negative, she felt a wall come between us and the Spirit left. But even though we finished talking and walked away really sad, I know that I'm going to see her again. And I'm going to give her a big hug. I know Heavenly Father gives each one of His children an opportunity to accept His Gospel. They have truth! And I know that the truth which we have is the fullness of His plan for us. I know she will be given other chances. And I want her to know I know. Even if she doesn't believe it now.
I love you all and I want you to know that we no effort we put forth is wasted. God is with us, He is watching and guiding our actions, and He knows everything. It's in His way and timing that good things happen and people's hearts change. And we can see His miracles every day when we look for them. I love you. I'm so thankful we have something so precious as the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know He lives.
Love you!!!
Sister Brooksby
PS I've also attatched some pitcures of Sister Dues going crazy with the cards! And we love cereal here :)

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