South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, October 14, 2013

We got a new mission president! He's SO awesome! His name is President Shin, and he and his adorable wife are helping us set the mission on fire :)
SIster xxxx, our amazing miracle investigator, went to church this week and we had her third lesson today after church-We talked about her baptism date and expressed our assurity that even thougth she doesn't feel prepared, she is! We gave her a date for this month, she said she'd think about it and get back to us. But I can't tell you the spirit and feeling of love that I felt so strong as we shared with her the power and miracle of baptism. She read through all of the baptizmal interview questions and said "yes' to every one of them. She didn't even pray about the Book of Mormon, she know's it's true. She accepts everything so quickly. She has such a big heart-this Sunday I told her she looked like she was going to the Prom with such a gorgeous dress, and then she asked if she could give it to me!!  
Also our branch complement-jangie (someone who complemets all teh time) stood up and bore her testimony on the happiness we get when we lift other people. She made the whole branch laugh with he teasing her husband with how handsome he was via the pulpit-we have such fun loving warm members!!
Sister Anderson is also so happy all the time-I've never had this much fun in a 4 man-house!
More latre! LOTS OF LOVE!! Hope all is well with you!
Sister Brooskby

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