South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Oct 14th Letter

Hi Everyone I love!!

How are you all doing? Wasn't conference awesome! I feel like, especially for missionaries, it's Christmas time :)

We had another split where Sister Deus and her MTC dongie got to stay in Naju while I went with their senior in the other area. I love splits-I learn so much. And it's such a blessing to be able to rely 100% on Sister Deus -The language doesn't scare her, having the phone doesn't scare her, and she's just ready to be a senior :) She's also one of the funnest people to be with in the world and has TONS of faith! So her and her split companion always see miracles :D
The neatest thing about this one was that we got to be with our MTC companions again! She with hers, and I with mine, how neat/not common is that? 
Since I've been in the north of Daejeon for most of my mission and Sister Roueche's been in the south, there's been no opportunity to meet and really see how we've been doing until now. And it's so powerful to see how much we've changed since the MTC :)
We're still us! But we're different too. And we filled each other in on everything that's been going on and our hopes and dreams for after the mission. It was just a nice time.

We were also able to visit one of our members who's been taking medicine for cancer (he used to be a senior missionary with his wife) for the past while. He's felt so bad that he hasn't been able to help us. Since he's lived in Naju over 45 years, he knows where everyone lives and who they are! Just last week we got an invitation to come over and visit them-He's just finished his medicine last Sunday. 
We were a tiny bit concerned, because their home is 40 minutes by bus to get to, and then we never know when the next bus is coming when we're finished. But we went! And we ended up being a little early. Hahha funny side note, I tried to get off WAY to early *(this is a habit I have) and then got an urgent phone call from one of our sisters, and so it was all up to Sister Deus to get us off of the right stop....She was concerned too. But at that point I was of no use, on the phone. She even hit the button to stop the bus and then realized it wasn't the right stop. We kept going and going, and she told me later she didn't recognize where we were. It was getting intense, when all of the sudden she hit the button again, JUST before we passed the place for the bus to stop, and he jerked to a halt. We disembarked. I got off the phone. And we looked around.

RIGHT BUS STOP! Thank goodness! The Lord was listening to Sister Deus's silent prayer :) 

(there are miracles like this all the time. The Lord just needs us in the right place, so He helps us get there :) 

I felt so much love for this faithful couple. They have dedicated their lives to the Lord and Brother Jeong really wants to serve another mission. Because of his health he may serve another as a service or temporary missionary, but He just reminded me of Dad when he said "I've done farming, I've worked at an office, here and there; but there's no work better than missionary work. He also said, looking at our family pictures (the one with all of us in pile in the blocks outside) that my father was really rich. Rich in children. The best kind. :)

Sister Deus and I visited a couple that we got a all-of-the-sudden ride from a couple nights ago at their home. They weren't there when we went (we'd wanted to bring them banana bread, an american treat :) for helping us out that night, even through they didn't know us at all. They were so sweet! Showed them our family pictures and they asked my parents age (a lot of the times Koreans do because they marry older) and I had a funny moment. This is all in Korean. "How old is your mother?"
"She's 94!"
Shocked looks.
"94? 94! OH! I mean She's 49! Actually 47!" (mom are you really 47??)
Relief. And a lot of laughter :)
We talked about life and religeon and found out they were both Buddhist. they were some of the kindest people I've ever met in my life. They didn't let us leave without giving us a heavy bag of 10 huge Naju pears, Kimchee, and some hardened rice things I've never seen in my mission :) We walked home with arms full of love. We can't wait to visit again-and it's neat that they've met the Sister Missionaries now :) Maybe it's planting seeds! 

Finally, we got to visit the mother of  one of our members who came with her daughter to church for the first time in her life this Saturday afternoon. She's so adorable!  We talked a lot about families. She just lost her husband three months ago. She lives alone but she's still so happy and kind. We just got to know her and I can tell you she's an angel!! When she met us she said "Wow. I haven't worn a skirt my whole life! Expect for hanbok (traditional Korean clothing)." She chuckled to herself. "I guess if I'm going to start coming to church, I gotta start wearing a skirt huh?
Then she came with her daughter to the Sunday morning session of Conference with her daughter!!!! I really feel like she's ready to get baptized. We haven't done any lessons or anything, but she's so ready to go with her daughter-to feel the Spirit of this church-And I hope she can feel the love the Savior has for her and her daughter and family especially at this hard time. There's nothing she and they need more than to know He's there.

Also! Our investigator came to Conference! He stayed for two talks-Elders Russel M Nelson's and the general authority before him. Then we did English and I asked him again how he felt about God-just to clarify. Before when we asked, he said he didn't believe in God or have a religion. But this time, something must have touched him. 
He just sat thoughtfully and said "I'm not sure."

This Gospel pulls people to be better-to realize that there is something more than themselves. That there is a Loving Heavenly Father-and that His is their father.

I'm so so so grateful for the opportunity I have to bear witness of God's love to His children. I am not a perfect missionary by any means. In fact I wonder how God works sometimes :) How can He use me? But He knows. And He does :) He's amazing and I'm so glad He lives.

I love you all! I pray you can feel His love for you what ever situation you're in. Keep going! It's all worth it!
I feel it in my heart.

Sister Brooksby

Pictures are from our amazing hike last week-Grandma King's going to love it here!

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