South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, October 14, 2013

July 21 Letter

HI there everyone!
I feel like I've been slacking in the email TO you department because I'm so absorbed with reading your emails to me!
Most recent awesome news is that we invited our SIster xxxx to set her own baptismal date and she came back the next week with August 18th! It's a hile a way which is a tiny worry, but as soon as she told us the date, I felt peace. This was important for her to set her own date and now the whole branch is excited!
Other world-0shifting news is that President Shin has greenie Mission President fire! His first day with all of us he told us that he'd been praying to Heavenly Father for a Mission Goal to accomplish before he is released( in three years) and he just received revelation the week before he came-2,000 active members in every stake in Korea! We have maybe 200-300 currently. Is it impossible? No!! We have faith that we can do it, but we need the help of the members. So We're totally focusing on member missionary work-having them come with us to visit less actives, every time we visit less actives to ask for 3 referrals, and on and on! With the new announcement from the First Presidency on member missionary work, we're fighting with them to 1. find the lost and bring them back, and to 2. find those who don't know about the Gospel.
It's so true that with our members, we can do SO much more than we ever could without!
We also got to have our first interview with him! He and his wife are SO awesome and sweet. There is an apartment in our mission that is really really small. Because of the growth in missionaries, a lot of 2 areas (like Cheonan/ONyang) are splitting and they just add two more sisters in the one apartment. It's crazy how they're living. So President had us all conference in for a phone call today and said they had a conract for another apartment in process now for those sisters.
He also asked me if I was ready to train again (I'm just in my frist transfer with Sister Anderson!)
And he asked Sister Anderson, who is in her very first transfer, if she'd be ready to train at the end of her second!!!! THis is crazy-We have 25 missionaries coming in this transfer and 9 sisters. If there were ever a need for awesome fast-learning missionaries it's now! And whats cool is that they are !! Sister Spencer, in her 2nd transfer is speaking like a native already. She's incredible.
So the work is going forward! I love you all and pray for you every day!!
Sister Brooksby

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