South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, October 14, 2013

July 1st Letter

We found a family!!!

Actually, they found us. Well, ACTUALLY actually, they found the Cheonan Elders first. And then the Cheonan Elders gave them our phone number. But the neat thing is-We're teaching a family! And they came to church!

Right now they are preparing to go to Canada, so they are meeting with us mainly for English. Their daughter is really cute (Around 10 I think-she ran to the store right before we left to get us her favorite kind of popsicles. :)  The mom is super sweet and comfortable to talk to, and what I love about her is she's super open. She told us straight up that she would listen well to our lessons, but she doesn't easily accept anything. She said her husband was the same.
 But despite that, we know that if they feel the Spirit, they'll feel something different from any other church. There is something here that no other church can help her feel. We know that she can know personally that anything we teach is true. That's the most incredible thing about this Gospel-It is true! And we can ask Him directly and He'll tell us it is. I know it. :)

Keep you updated there.

Love you so much! This work is true! Sister Anderson rocks :) 
Sister Brooksby

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