South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Letter from June 16th 2013

Hi everyone! 
I wanted to forward Sister Musselman's account of our miracle investigator this week/ :) She tells it all!
Also, transfer calls came, Sister Musselman is transferring to Daejeon to serve with the sister who trained my MTC companion-Seo Nari Jamaenim, and she'll end up being with her for her last transter, so she'll get to introduce the area. Also I've heard that down there the missionaries need a boost -I know Sister Musselman will totally be there! :)

I also have been so so so blessed to be able to train again! I didn't think it was likely this time, as we have only 3 or 4 new sisters, but I secretly was hoping I would be able to-God gave me another miracle! I am so excited to meet her :):):) We don't know who it will be until the day we pick them up-though they know who we are :) Fun, huh? 

Tyson-fighting-Get better!!!!! I'm keeping you in my prayers-Stay strong He's with you all the way; I love you!!!
Trey I'm so excited to be your next-door neighbor!! Come on over and lets head to the front of the field!!! :D I haven't read all of your emails yet but I know you're doing really good because you are you. LOVE YOU TONS!!

Mary! I want to email you more next week-YOU GOT YOUR CALL?? Wow!!!! We've got to keep in touch via letter-what's your address cutie!? I'm so excited for you! You are going to be amazing, don't let satan let you think you are not going to be amazing and help SO many people come unto Christ-There is no experience to help us grow closer to Heavenly Father than a mission. I'm so happy for you!! You are an angel, Mary!

I'll email again next week-Stay happy and know how much I love you! I know you have got anything Heavenly Father gives you, because you are His special child, and HE's right next to you. I love you This Gospel changes and brightens lives for the better! It's true, I know it is! 
Sister Brooksby

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Thanks for all you do! Way to support missionaries :)