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South Korean Flag!

Monday, October 14, 2013

July 28 Letter

Hi everyone!!
Love from Onyang! Wanted to tell you about our miracles this week:
Zone focus has been on improving  our street prosyliting and using the Book of Mormon. President SHin also wnats us to be Book of Mormon preaching missionaries! We had the goal as a zone to give out 40 Books of Mormon before the next combined district meeting, about a month of time. Sister Anderson and I were along with the rest of our district, giving about 7 or 8 a week, Until this week. Sister ANderson got the spirit (and the Cheonan Elders were willing to compete) and we have been giving 5 or 6 or 8 a day! SO this week we reported 31 Book of Mormons given, I was shocked! And so was our district leader :)
Even when Sister Anderson was feeling awful, we still went to all our appointments and prosylited, and with her enthusiasm behind us, we just kept giving, and at the very end, a woman we'd just talked to (whose friends told us to go away) came up behind us andased if she could have one  of our books. She said she wants to read it! :D It was so cool, because we had to get up the courage to talk with them, we were going to pass them. BUt then we turned back. So thankful Sister Anderson was willing to try!
Also! Our baptismal date kajin xxxxx is doing well, keeping the commandments. This week we watched the Restoration and during planning her lesson, I felt like inviting her to pray about Joseph Smith wasn't the right commitment, but having the knowledge that God answers her prayers just as he answered Josephs.
Turned out to be the right thing. She was feeling doubtful of getting answers to her prayers.
We also met a new investigator! She was a referral from a member close to Seoul. And she accepted the invitation to be baptized!!
I love you all!
Take care :)
Sister Brooksby

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