South Korean Flag!

South Korean Flag!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009



Guess what?? I miss you guys!!!

So I'm posting really quick before my little sister's 13th birthday party and Institute.

Life is amazing! I'm learning and growing and SO excited for college in January! I leave for Snow on the 2nd or 3rd, and it's coming closer than I realize, I think. Just got my housing all situated Monday, and I'm staying with some nice gals.
Oh! And the Manti Temple is only 10 minutes away!! It's incredible. Plus, that ward has a weekly Temple trip day, so even though I don't have a car, I can totally go with one of them. I'm way happy, but also very nervous.

More later! Yes, I'm so sorry for not writing sooner!

Please please check this out. I don't normally use YouTube much, but this is awesome! It reminds me so much of my own family, minus the newborn. Denver's getting too old!! He's talking...
He's way cute whatever age, though. :)

Also, "The Infinite Power of Hope" is inspiring. I really suggest watching it, just to feel the Spirit.

Happy Wednesday!!!

Cheers! :D

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Albert's Little Twin

It's a Saturday, and I don't need to work until 11am!!! I got to eat chocolate-chip waffles, wrestle my little brother Kadin, and help move books to our Theater room (projecter is almost fixed again! Kadin decided to help, and he's doing fantastic. :) and now I'm catching up on email and blogging.
....Days later....
Whoot! I was nearly late for work trying to finish that last post. Kadin helped me a bit by writing what the below essay is. Oh, wow, if you have a moment, let me indulge; I must brag about the intense and AMAZING writing skills of my little 11-year-old brother, Tanner. He's a genius, pure and simple. I wish that I could write like this:
My Autobiography
One misty morning in California, my family and I were at a beautiful beach. Me and my dad were waking together. My dad climbed up some gnarled rocks. The rocks he climbed exceeded twenty feet. I was very impetuous because I decided that I would climb after him. I started climbing toward him but I lost my handholds and slid down the face of the rock cutting my chin open! I balked and screamed and My dad climbed back down immediately. It was ineffectual to try to walk to the car so my dad carried me there.
On the way to the hospital there was heavy traffic which slowed our arrival and increased my anticipation. When we got to the hospital my mom and dad took me to the doctor. He examined my chin and said I needed stitches. My mom held me when they stitched me up. When they were finished they gave me a book to keep, but the book had cigars in it so I said no.

After we went back to Las Vegas I got teased a lot because of my stitches. My friends thought they were absurd and I wasn’t feeling very egotistic. I was very diffident and would not have been elocutionary. I would have talked very bluntly and softly. Luckily they never had to extricate my stitches, or they would have teased me more. Trey my gangly brother usually defended me, so did Sierra.
It took about five or six days for my stitches to fade away, and I was super appreciative. In conclusion I am very happy that I do not live in a time when if something got infected they would have to mutilate it .
That was his very first assigned paper for school since he and Sierra began their Literature class every Wednesday. Isn't it incredible?! Yes, some of the words were assigned that he had to use, but he really does know what half of them meant before writing it. Wow...
I've got a lot to look up to now!
I love my brother. He's so snippin cute!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Bouncing on a Bridge

Hi again!

Have you ever had the grand opportunity of jumping up and down on an unstable bridge in a playground? Trust me, it's so much fun!

I have a few memories of living back in Las Vegas, and this was one of them.
Every weekday morning, all of the children three and up would get up and meet our dad outside in the park behind our house. There, we would warm up (stretches, running, exercise of any creative kind possible, etc.) in preparation for the sport of the day.

You guys got to have PE. Well, I'm so happy to say that my PE was with my Dad, and I learned so much from it! Each day he would teach us a new sport, allowing us to exercise a different area every day. I enjoyed volleyball and tennis the most, but I also really loved days when we were allowed to just play on our bikes.
"Cops and Robbers" was one of the more popular games.

Well, Elizabeth, it's 11:51 at night, and I promised that I'd post.
I'll come back tomorrow and edit this before most people see it. I'm not done; I've still got to make it interesting...

Happy Monday Night!

Signing over and out.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Midnight and the need to write


I cannot stand it. I really can't.

How in the entire wide, beautiful, magical world did I get so incredibly blessed?
I could write my whole electronic journal entry here, (I'm thinking about copy/pasting it) about just today, and you could see how amazing my Heavenly Father is. If I ever have an urge or inkling to doubt His love, all I would have to do is read that entry.

What happened? Well, I really will write more, but for now I'll just mention a few Tender Mercies.

-I was so blessed through a series of nothing-less-than miracles, to be able to go to our second to last Institute class tonight. I think I learned more in that class than I have in a long time, and not so much about the doctrine, (though that was wonderful in itself!)
I learned again how much He loves me.

How thankful I am for Brother and Sister Sumsion! That they take the time each week to prepare and really think about what they are to teach us that Wednesday. I know that the Spirit is so strong with them, and that they truly strive to have it with us in our lessons as they teach. For they know the power of the Holy Ghost to touch hearts, inspire minds, and change lives. What an awesome calling to be a teacher! I'm so grateful that they received that calling from the Lord.

-I got home from work before eleven o' clock. I walked in the door, set my things down, said hi to the kids awake, and went outside into our back yard.
And guess what? I looked up quickly enough to see a beautiful shooting star. I felt so happy! I'd been just in time, and there wasn't a better way for Heavenly Father to confirm the love I'd felt earlier that night.

And then guess what?

I saw another one. :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sparkling Gifts

I wrote this sitting outside of the seminary building one day. It was during fourth period, and there was just quiet while I watched the world happen around me. How amazing is just watching!
Mountains paled by morning mist
My soul cannot halt it's refrain
Gathered trees among the fields
Endless, endless is the rain

Lightens yonder scene away
Rivers, streams to it's end drain
Beauty, wonder, life exceeds!
Endless, endless, is the rain

Brought again by rays of sunshine
Peace, my soul is healed of pain
As the droplets whisper softly
Endless, endless is our rain

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mini Pioneers

My Pioneer day was awesome! I got to help register people for the Fun Run and the 5K in the morning, then headed over to Spanish Fork to be on our Model A float in their parade.
And guess what? I got to be on a float pulled by a tractor! A real, yellow-and-green John Deer tractor, with HUGE wheels and cowboy (with the official hat) to drive. How awesome is that?

I really am in Utah. No, really. Wooot!

I have more proof, too! I met this little girl, (granddaughter of Harold, the owner of Model A,) who told me that she wanted to be a cowgirl when she grew up. Yup-Six years old and she's got her heart set on farming, herding, cows and trucking. Aww...

We threw candy, but I think I was a little too generous because I ran out and could only wave near the end! But that's okay because I got some people to wave back at me too. ;)
I found out that people are more cheerful toward the beginning of the parade, but if you smile enough, you can get them to smile back even if they are tired. It's always worth it to smile!

After my adventures in the town of Spanish Fork and tractors, I drove over as fast as the law would allow to the Mapleton Park. My mother had promised to save me the kid's leftover breakfast for me to eat, and I was pretty excited for that! Actually, it was good to see my family, too. I didn't need to work at all that day, so I was super-super blessed to be with them and my grandparents and GG (Greatest Grandma. She's 95 and doing my father's laundry back in Vegas).

The kids were so full on sugar from cotton candy and snow cones that a few of them had major stomach-aches that night, poor things. I came in to check on Tanner in the bathroom as he was hanging over the toilet bowl.
"Are you okay?" I asked tenitavely.
Tanner looked up dramatically before he said,
"I'm never going to eat candy again!"

He felt a lot better after he'd thrown up, and Savannah took care of that at the park, so she was hunky-dory when we got back home! (Sorry if this is grossing anyone out...) She recovered quite quickly and wanted brownies after dinner. Wow, that girl amazes me.

I bathed her and Elias when we got back, then took my turn for a shower. Elias really wanted to play, though, and he kept trying to talk to me as I gently, but firmly closed the door to the bathroom. I knew that he needed a nap, but he told me that he wasn't tired (like they always do! ;) and continued trying to get me to come back out and play. I told him Savannah would love to play with him.

Eventually, I couldn't hear him responding anymore, so I finished getting dressed and assumed that he'd done as I'd suggested and got some play-mates. Somehow, I could only smile when I opened the door to find him
Fast asleep.
His head was right near the door as if he'd been trying to tell me something mid-sentence and then just zonked out. What a cutie! I picked him up and carried him to his bed, listening to him say profoundly as he started out of sleep:
"I'm tired, Haley."
I only laughed and covered him up in his blankets.
Goodnight 'Lias. Have a good nap!

Happy Pioneering Day!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Little Things

Today I've was blessed to work both at Model A Cafe talking to people and Hogi Yogi chopping vegetables, and I'm excited to go home and be with my family. I pull up to see my little brother, Takoda, waving at me and grinning. I know he has something in mind, and in my heart I pray that it's nothing too permanent as I walk inside. Takoda obediently takes his plate into our home and puts it away just as he was told, and I praise him for his quick response, being rewarded with another grin.
I have to laugh-when he's in a certain mood, he loves to clean! He really is the most awesome 7-year-old I know...We call him Boda or Buddy. :)

So I get distracted from laundry in a game of "Tackle Haley!" This one was a bit more violent and involved than usual. Even little Denver joined in to save his trapped siblings, jumping with a growl and proceeding to bounce, laughing, on any part of me he can reach.
I noticed a few things about their different personalities and how they 'saved' each other from me.

Takoda is more passive when playing, and prefers to rescue the victim by dragging their limb than by attacking me directly.
Savannah is not nearly so tentative-She jumps, slams, kicks, and smacks to distract me so that the trapped one may escape. She's much more bold/brave.
Elias just really loves spanking people!

After we wore each other out with that game, we played hide and seek for a bit, until Takoda grabbed my hand. He told me excitedly that he had something to show me, pulling me toward the garage. To my surprise and happiness, I looked to see the hose had been in use, and the bottom half of the PT had been sprayed clean. Takoda looked up at me with pure joy in his eyes.
"Look, Haley!" he said, pointing. "I cleaned your car and tires for you! Look how they are clean!"
Stroking the tires, we admired his handiwork. I couldn't believe that cleaning my car had gone through his mind, with all of the other things a 7-year-old boy can be thinking about and adventuring doing. He amazed me with his pure selflessness and act of love through service.
That's why my siblings are my hero’s. Yes, they make messes, but we can laugh when we clean them up together later. Yes they can be very, very loud, but what's life without a little dynamics? And yes, they can leave me winded with how energetic they are (I can't keep up!) but I get more exercise that way, and I know that I'd be slow and fat without them!

Siblings are the best.

Little things really make life happy.

Rolly pollys (pill bugs) should watch out for little Denver-
He smashes them and then growls...

Poor things.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Chorus of Sounds

Sometimes I sit out on our bench on our porch just to think.
Sometimes I have friends that come visit me there.
Somtimes I have a few little ones to play "I Spy" with me, too.
And sometimes, those little ones and I change it up a bit.

On one of these particular occasions, we played "I Hear" instead. We enjoyed picking out the different birds, katydids, lawnmowers, dogs, and sprinklers. There were even some odd sounds we never identified.

This post is dedicated to the many wonderful sounds I hear and have in my life.

The sound of laughter as I wrestle Savannah into bed, then chase her back into it once she manages to escape.

The sound of my Elias and his very loud voice shouting anything from his excitement of dinner or enthusiasm for his lego creation to his prayers before bedtime. He's a child with no end to engery, I believe!

The sound of bodies rolling on the floor while playing "Monster"

The sound of pattering feet and small voices calling my name before they embrace my lower legs in a hug whenever I need go out in my car. Then the pattering follows me out to my car for another hug, the door shuts with help from little hands, and then the grunt of Elias s he helps me get my car out of the garage while it's in drive. ;)

The sound of a chorus of coughs. Though they are not healthy, I sure am glad they're still here.

The sound of heavy panting and feet thudding on the pavement-laughter often included;

The sound of the wind as it sings while you pass it;

The sound of friends.

The sound of little Denver's excitement as he approaches then shys away from the glass door as the rain pours in sheets outside. His cries of pleasure and screams of delight while his siblings tease him about the storm.

The sound of instruction in a dedicated building.

The sound of little fingers squeaking down my mirror while the owner looks admiringly back at his reflection. The only way to describe that face is CHEEKY! :)

The sound of waffles sizzling in the iron as my amazing brother (Ty) gets up at 7am to make breakfast for his family. How I love that kid!

The sound of the Windex bottle being squeezed way too many times for a healthy bathroom mirror, then the chatter and smiles as the three youngest help me scrub. Yes, it wasn't the best job in the eyes of a professional, but it sure was the funnest time I've ever had cleaning the bathroom! (Try is sometime-I promise you're hands will be full, but your heart can't help but be light!)

The sound of ripping...The dreaded Toilet Paper Shredder. He (Denver) comes when you are not present and confettii abounds!!

The sound of my little sister's prayers.

The sound of a friend playing the electric guitar while I play the piano late at night after rice krispies. Elizabeth, you're amazing!

Ooh, there's too many to list them all!
But how thankful I am that, like blessings, sounds abound all day.

Honestly, what would I do without my ears?

White and Fluffy

Billowing like waves
Through biting air
Pelting the ground
Unsound yet
Soaking though the drains
Forming panaramas, oceans, rivers,
Worlds created
By simple rains
Blinding everything
beyond the chill
Aloof; unscathed
Yet scathing
Of it's own will
Shake, quake
move the ground
Ears left ringing
By it's roaring
Stillness as I wait
Lost in my mug
of Hot Chocolate
Raging about me
But I couldn't mind it
One bit
Ten pairs of eyes stare widely
100 fingers pressed tightly
Against the glass
The storm may last
Or that mom comes back
with more

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Another Year Hero

Yay, yay, yay!!

Wooh, I am so excited! Guess what today is??

It's my way-awesome, mother's birthday! (I won't say how old, but people call us sisters all of the time. She's pretty young actually ;)
Yup. Mine was on Tuesday, and her's is today, so we get to celebrate and I am so happy!!

After a morning of secret grocery shopping (she likes strawberry pie/shortcake) we helped her organize the horribly messed toy room which hasn't been touched for months. Yes, that's what I said: she cleans and organizes and works hard on her birthday when she should be relaxing, reading, or doing something else she enjoys.
My mom is my hero!

And after a nice nap (hopefully we were able to keep the kids quiet enough!) she prettys up and gets ready to go out for the night-to IHOP and then to see "Beauty and the Beast" with her hubby. Want to know something that makes me really, really estatic?


Friday, June 5, 2009

Midnight Ride

Okay, so it wasn't quite midnight...

So after all of the children were down and the house was relatively decent, I grabbed a hoodie, my cell phone and a bike and took off down the road about 9:15pm. My parents were on a date, and my brother, Tyson, was at his first shift at work-(they hired him at my work, Hogi Yogi! I'm way happy about that. :)-so the kids were at home with Trey.

Why did I take off on my bike? Well, I still don't really know...I think I just needed some time to think. Ever have those moments?

Anyhow, after riding through dust and darkness, I finally turned myself back home and came across a fence with three beautiful paint horses. Cautiously, I climbed off of my bike and approached the fence. It'd been so long since I'd been around a horse that close.

The bigger two quickly lost interest in me after about 30 seconds, but the smallest one, (I named her Mary, since she looked like either a Mary or a Dolly) stayed. I stroked her nose for a while until she got hungry and went to get a 9:30pm snack of weeds. What made me happy was that she came back!

She was such a soft horse, I couldn't help stroking her side and talking to her for a bit. We chatted about a bunch of different things, and she seemed to know what I was saying, even though I knew she was getting sleepy. I watched her eyes droop slowly as I continued to pet and talk quietly.

That was a cool experience for me, and I don't know why. You'd think I'd have a reason for putting this story up? Well, sometimes I don't...but...

Horses are awesome, though! And some are very soft...:)
I'm glad I could make a friend tonight.

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Story Time!!

Okay so it's the day after Memorial Day, and I'm looking forward to a day messing around with my siblings. Yup, getting up at 9:00am sure is nice, but all that feeling lazy makes me excited to actually do something so I hop out of bed and prepare for the barage of children. Yaaaaaaayy!!!
The situation:
Tyson: at school
Trey (14 years old): absorbed in a book
Mom: at an appointment.
Which left Sierra and I with the rest of the chillins. Oh boy!

My first experience was a humbling one, let me tell you. All three of the littlest ones needed something at nearly every second of the day; Elias was begging me to come help him find his other shoe, Savannah said she was feeling sick, and then said she wanted food, Denver was fussy because he went to bed late, and while I was thrilled to be able to be with them, it was also concerning to me that I wasn't able to handle them all very well. How am I supposed to have tons of kids if I can't even handle three?

So I really appreciated the fact that I still need to, and am learning how to juggle lots of different situations and concerns. There's never a dull moment, and always some sort of adventure/life threatening situation happening. Keeps me on my toes, for sure!

Anyhow, to the main point of this post ,(I'm rambling because it's been FOREVER since I've written so I have a bunch to say!) which is: MUD! ;)

In order to enjoy the summer days more fully, it is necessary for one to go about the neighborhood riding on one's bike with one's siblings, where applicable. If if one's said applicable siblings happen to ride to a construction site, you are required to follow. Especially if they have a bridge that they've built to show you.

I found myself in the above described situation and took advantage of admiring Tanner (10) and Kadin's (9) beautiful scrap-wood bridge over a nice pond of clear (or so it would seem) water. Since I had my bike, I offered to cross the said bridge on it, though I knew I would likely fall in since the wood was quite narrow.

My awesome and loyal brother Kadin then offered his thought.
"Haley, if you go across this bridge, I'll jump in the water for you." He said bravely.

"Thanks, Kade, but I think I'd only ask you to jump if I fell in too."

"Alright," he said, looking slightly relieved. (He shouldn't have had so much faith in my biking ablities, but...)

So after a bunch of adjusting and fussing, I prepared for the adventure, and a lot of wet. Thankfully for me, I was being looked kindly apon, and maybe because I believed in myself a little bit. But anyhow, I made it across safely, and to the greeting of cheering brothers on the other side. (They're so amazing! They could've been cheeing me into the water...)

But the real adventure, (though that sure got my adrenaline rushing) happened later, when I had the camera!

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, since I have an awful habit of talking way too much. :)

Tanner watching Kadin plummet dangerously into the water with the bridge in the background.

Kadin monstorously attacking his sibling,

(or he's just trying to help him enjoy the bond of nature...)

Basically, Kadin managed to get his brother down, (with Trey's help) and they had an all-out mud war. It was pretty entertaining to watch, and I was so glad that I'd gone home to get the camera.

Those two will never be the same again, and I couldn't breathe for laughing for awhile! (I'm actually quite thankful that I didn't join them, fun as it would have been...)

Happy Tuesday!

PS Mud rocks.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

In My Life!

-"Doo, doo, doo, doo, doooooo"
"Ba dab ba da"
-"Doo, doo, doo, doo, doooooo"

So-o I've been, a' wondrin
Where all the time
Has past and gone
Forever and for better
I'm livin and
Singin a song

But of all these posts and comments
I've read and replied, I still find the guilt
Breanna, I'm so sorry
I hear your plea, and write I will!

In the next post!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Damsel in...Distress?

You all know Princess Diana, right?

Well, I have proof that she really is a princess, if you were ever in doubt. ;)

Once upon a time, in a land not too far away from our very own high school campus, there was a young princess damsel in very much distress. She was found searching high and low for a magical item; an earring which had slipped off of her beautifully arrayed lunch tray.

People passed by her and exclaimed their sorrow at such a fate as this, but no one stopped to help because the bell had rung, and they did not wish to be, what they call 'tardy,' to seminary.

To the beautiful princess' dismay, the place in which it had fallen was a foul and oder-full abode, filled with an assortment of discarded food and other strange smelling things:

The Garbage Can.

Poor Princess Diana could be seen frantically searching through the liners, pulling out and sorting through the yucky mess with her bare hands. It looked pretty hopeless...

Then some weird punk teenager (ahem,) decided to come in and noticed the princess' plight. Kneeling down, she began to help sort through the junk. A kind seminary teacher/knight nobly fetched the young ladies some gloves to aid in their quest for the earring.

After searching through both trash cans at least three times, a princess from a neighboring kingdom (Princess Aurora) came to see what was causing her friend to be late to the very royal seminary. Taking off her very long and befitting overcoat, she grabbed a pair of gloves and began to help in the search.

Twice more through the trash cans, and the three girls were beginning to give up hope of ever finding the desired item. A prayer was offered. Just as they were about to resign their quest, Princess Aurora suggested they attempt just one more time. Thus they did, when all of the sudden the second girl cried out for joy.

She'd found the missing earring in a small cup for holding sauce. it was stuck sufficiently to the side, but she was able to get it out and returned it to the Princess Diana. Imagine the joy on her face as the valuable and magical item was back in her possession!

After promising royal treats for Princess Aurora and the other friend, Diana went to go clean up. The others replaced the garbage cans to their rightful abodes, laughing all the way at a memory they’d made.

And thus, Diana really is a princess, being rescued as a 'damsel in true distress'. =)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Still breathing..slowly...


Yup, it's been a few weeks. I don't feel guilty, though, strangely enough.

Life's been quite fun, I'm just running to keep up with it! So some recent updates:

-Preference with Matt Foutz
Way fun, nice guy yet somewhat shy; (for some odd reason, I really like asking shyer guys to dances...Maybe it's just selfish so I can talk the whole time ;)
He got out there and danced, (said he was a bad dancer, but I knew better!) even when he really didn't have to.
Also, I really enjoyed having a smaller group. I thought it might be a little wierd, but I got to chat and be comfortable with everyone, not just my date. We had lots of our own conversations as well, no worries!
And, by the way, the Nicklecade is quite fun in formals! You get some looks...And you can look back!
Ooh and Dance Dance Revolution can only be done with FOUR people in formals, (one on each arrow). So much better than trying to do it yourself in high heels! :)

-Choir Tour!
Most of you are in choir, so I don't really need to say much more than it's wonderful. I think I had even more fun this year than last, which is surprising because I had quite a blast chilling with my Mother and little Denver!
I honestly don't think I'll ever look at a Bug the same way again...That was intense!

Paperwork, but thrilling to turn in!

-Los Guapos!
Jefferson McClain has invited me to conduct the infamous Los Guapos group during lunch every day. It is quite fun, though somewhat intimidating... Honestly, what am I to do with all of those Sophomore choir boys?
We're doing a really fun, upbeat Disney song which brings me a lot of happiness because I love old Disney! :)

Yet I think I'm going to ask for an every-other-day schedule for that. I miss all my buddies at lunch! (And yes Megan and Keirsten, I DID wear my bracelet on Monday!)

So long for now!

Oh, and PS: We're still doing Feasting at my home every Sunday at 8:30 for whomever would like to come! It's wonderful to have you if you'd be willing. Just give me a call! 623-8423

Friday, March 6, 2009

Quick thought...

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to write and say that I had the great pleasure of seeing Erin at Little Caesar’s tonight on her second shift ever. Personally, I think she looks awesome in the visor!

It's such a blessing, in this economy in particular, that she and so many of us have jobs. Though I may not always be excited (actually, no, I really like my work!) but for someone else who may not particularly like what they do, money is money, and we're gaining experience as we go!

So, everyone, next time you feel the need to grab a 5$ pizza, think of Erin and her amazing dough-rolling, money-taking, people-making-happy abilities!

As my little brother, Elias, would say,


Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I’m looking over at one of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen in my life, and not for color, either! The sun is hidden behind a flurry of clouds, and the bright, glowing rays are bursting out from behind. It is so gorgeous! I cannot even begin to describe it in a way to do such a picture justice…


We are so blessed!

Light piercing
Radiating beams
My eyes are drawn to the glory
That my soul can't fully understand

How lovely, majestic,
The sun as it gleams
Reflecting the hope
Of one heart, of one land

Beyond the mountains
Beyond the seas,
My spirit, it yearns to fly
Away into this scene

Take my hand!
I’ll take you to this place
Outside of this world, past a veil
Beyond endless space

There we can rest
There is joy
Here in my heart,
I keep this picture
And remember

How very thankful
For every moment
For ever second
Of every day

For ever kind thought
For every person
For every good thing
And chances to play

What a moment to live in!
What a joy to be here!
Right where I am meant to
With the ones I love near

With so many mercies
And so much happiness me before

I could not ask for
One thing to change...

I could not ask

For more

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Little Joys in Big Messes

Nearly two weeks later, she emerges from the dust with, yet again, MORE WORDS!

Hi friends!

This is Haley speaking. I couldn't stop myself from running over to our computer to write down this thought before I forgot it. I think that I will have similar posts in the future on this topic. What topic, you ask?

My siblings.

And all of the amazingly incredible things they say every day.

I need a quote book for my family to look back on and laugh. I know I'm going to miss them all so much when I finally do leave for college. What will life be like without those eleven other souls in the same confined space as I am? aww....

So, to start her off, I'm going to relate a story my 12-year-old sister, Sierra, shared with us today.

Last week, we had a combined young women's lesson on missionary work. It was an awesome lesson, and had gotten Sierra and I built up for some enthusiastic sharing of the Gospel. The leaders had given each girl a Book of Mormon, and asked them to think of someone they could give it to.

After church, Sierra went to her room and prayed for a missionary experience. Now I will turn to her own words:

"I know Heavenly Father has a sense of humor, because that same night I got a dream that I gave away my Book of Mormon to a non-member." She allowed us time to chuckle, then threw in the cincher.

"The next night, I prayed that Heavenly Father would send me a real missionary experience." :D


I have another little sister that wants to take over the world. Her name is Savannah, and she's only five, but don't let that dissuade you from thinking she can.

Here is a small example of her stragety for doing so:

I am in the kitchen getting the table set for dinner. Savannah brings her peice of scratch paper over to me and asks if I'd like to play tic-tac-toe. "Sure," I say. I have time enough to finish dinner after a quick game.

Then I look at the way she drew the diagram. There were only four squares, but she'd made some fancy lines to make it look like the original tic-tac-toe board.

"I go first," she stated clearly. Then she drew an 'x' in one of the four squares. Of course, after my 'o', she placed another 'x' where I had not, and won the game with only two in a row.

She's brilliant, that one!

More thoughts to follow! The list will be endless, I'm sure... ;)

Monday, February 2, 2009

I need a moment...

Hi folks!

Yes, it has been awhile. But now, my fingers are itching and I feel the need to post once again...

I want to brag. About my little Sophomore brother.

He's 100% awesome, pure and simple.

So my Mom tells me to go pick up Tyson because he's just gotten back from our FBLA regional competitions on Friday. I drive up to the visitor's parking places and notice that familiar stride coming toward me. My brother, the handsome guy that he is, swinging as he walks.

Lo and behold, a medal (dare I spy,) on his chest! It was a nice bronze one, and quite shiny. I watch his cheesy grin grow from ear to ear as he pulls open the passenger-side door of the lil' PT.

I ask him about it, astounded, and listen as he tells me the story of how he got FIRST PLACE for "Help Desk" at Regional Competitions; the only one from our school to place first, and a Sophomore, too! I told him how very proud I was of him, and after we come home, the story is told a few hundred more times. Mom was also very excited for him, and we celebrated with goodies (always the thing to do with the Brooksby Clan!)

Ah, can I just tell you all how proud I am of that young man?

Yay for Tyson!! :D

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Dawn

Studying, studying,

slowly memorizing
Indecision compromising,
What to ‘learn’ with time

Facts are drumming
Steadily thrumming,
To the rhythm of my life

Habits forming

Yet my mind wakes;
“This is not
How is must be!”

Linked to that which
I choose to learn

Perhaps, though,
Not knowing
Still wanting to know

It may not be that which
Desire within

But I can choose to give
All that I am
To know
To really know

Those things which light
My inner fire
Bring me back
To find out more

I choose to know beyond the knowledge
Fed to me
Read to me

I choose to see both sides
Find out why

I choose
to be


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"I challenge think!"

You ever had a class, (could be anywhere, not just in high school), when the teacher challenges the very fibers of what you believe? Where they question everything you've never doubted once in your life?

I have the great blessing to be in such a class. Though most of my classes this semester are 'no-brainers,' this one is sure keeping me on my toes. It's actually a class I hadn't planned on taking until Jeremy and Eric happened to me. ;)

It's Health 2600, otherwise known as 'Drugs.' Yes, I take drugs every Tuesday and Thursday from 2-3:15pm. (I'm also an assassin for the government, but no one suspects me just yet...)

The professor who teaches it, Bob Walsh, is quite the intellectual. But he is so down-to-earth and easy to speak to, he feels just like a friend.

Until he says something completely against everything you've been taught your entire life.

His goal, I believe, is to get us to argue-to really think about why we believe what we believe. Why do we have that standard? Why do we have that position on this political issue? And, every other thing that can be challenged while still discussing the topic of drugs. Very, very interesting stuff, and the best part is I recognize how much I don't know through all that he is teaching me.
There is so much knowledge available to us out there!

How come we don't take advantage of it more? I know I fail at that so often, but I love to hear people tell me something I don't know. If they begin speaking about a period in time, or subject I am not familiar with, I am normally not to scared to ask them about it, even though I may seem ignorant for not knowing it in the first place.
I don't want to let fear keep me from knowledge. And I don't want to let a challenge keep me from discovery.

Hooray for Drugs! (Yes, I know that sounds quite weird.)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Haley needs to be slapped...(revised: Haley needs to be severely rebuked...)

Hi all!

Yes, it's true and offical now: Haley is a slacker! I don't know what has gotten into that girl; she hasn't been on her blog in three weeks. Ah. Well.

Now I'm back, and happy to be so! Everything that's been going on:

-More work shifts, and I'm very thankful for that
-Stake Conference talk is given and over. Yay!
-Mr. Springville is done as well, with memories made and new friends gained :)
-Morp was a blast! We stayed at the dance for over an hour; it was so much fun! He was quite a nice dance partner, and I know that I'll remember that date as a good one, for sure.
-Attempting at ice-skating for a combine FHE. That was fun! A little faith and a good pair of skates can go a long way...
-My phone and I have bonded recently, though my phone bill and I have not...
-Scholarships and Snow Blasts, auditions and acceptances...

Life has been happening, and while I'm running to keep up with it, I couldn't be happier for the one I'm living.

Yay for everything! =D